Sunday, July 29, 2012

Where Has It Gone?

Just 2 1/2 weeks left of the summer!  Where did it go?  Why am I wondering? Surely I know what I've done during the past couple of months?  

Well, partly.  The first half was taken with my parents' visit - which was the most wonderful 3 1/2 weeks of the summer. We had so much fun! We went to the beach, visited different stores, had them discover Starbucks and much more. It was great seeing everything through their eyes - they way it was for us when we first arrived in 2001.

Since then, however, I can't specifically tell you what I have done. Yes, I have tutored twice a week at school, and started getting my room together, been to the movies and spent some time with friends, but I don't feel like I've done anything WORTHWHILE!!! 

This computer can be SO addictive - I rediscovered Pinterest, took part in a Photo a Day journal on Facebook, and sat perusing various teacher blogs and websites.  All fun and enjoyable but, at the end of the day, not very productive.

I guess that's what the summer is all about. De-stressing, relaxing and doing pretty much everything you can't do during the school year.

I will enjoy what's left - maybe even read a book or two!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Summer .... aaaaah!  So relaxing. A time to rejuvenate, renew and refresh. A time to reflect on the year just past and start thinking of the new year ahead. A time to make new memories ....

This summer is definitely one of the most special ones for me. My parents came to visit .... after not seeing them for 3 years!  What an absolute blessing. I am cherishing every moment, trying to absorb conversations, moments in time, and trying to take mental snapshots of everything we do.

I am loving watching them delight in new things - the variety of accents, new stores, different products .... and the list goes on.  It reminds me of when we first got here and everything was new and different. It's amazing how we take things for granted after a while .... I don't hear the different accents around me any more. It's become a part of me now. I still enjoy them, but I don't turn my head each time I hear them.

 It makes me wonder how many things we take for granted just because they're around every day. How we don't get to appreciate the little things any more because they're constantly there and we tend to ignore them? Do we still remember to appreciate the smiles on our children's faces when they look at us, or the little hugs we receive from them? Do we appreciate the fact that our children are at home and not wandering the streets? Do we appreciate the fact that we have jobs, or a roof over our heads? Do we appreciate the fact that we can just get into our cars and drive to the beach, or the store, or a movie?  Do we appreciate the beautiful things of God's creation that we given to us to enjoy? Little things like a small hummingbird drinking from a feeder, it's tiny wings creating a wave of air enough to cool your arms on a warm day?

I'm trying to remember to appreciate all these things. The one thing I'm appreciating the most, though, is the fact that I have both my parents, and that, for the moment, they are with me. This moment is one I am concentrating on and cherishing ...... 

Enter His gates with thanksgiving, And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name. Psalm 100:4 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Life's Never Boring with a Teenager Around

Exodus 20:12 - "Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you."

So, you remember my frustrations in my last blog? Well, there was a bit of a turnaround a couple of days later.

I had taken away all privileges : phone, playstation, computer (no car keys yet, but that will be the next thing after February). Things were quiet between us, not much conversation.

During the evening, while I was doing work on the computer, he asked me to come into his room to talk. Needless to say I was not very excited, because teenage boys can be very manipulative with their moms, and sweet talk them into thinking they made a mistake with the punishment. Many a time, I have been left feeling that I had done something wrong! I also knew that there would probably be some sweet talk in asking for the privileges back because how long can a teenager stay without their phone??

Well, I went in and sat down on his bed. He grabbed a pillow and put it on his lap, and without looking at me, went into a long, thought-provoking talk (mmmm, here it comes, I can hear you say).

Well, he spoke about how he had had our fight on his mind all day and how he was mulling over what I said about him never saying thank you, please or sorry. He said that he tried to put himself in my shoes and see that I was probably terrified when he was driving and that he had been wrong to mock me, even though, at the time, he thought he was just teasing me.

He said that he realized that he took me for granted many times, and that I did so much for him, yet he never took the time to thank me for all I did (at this time, I was getting really choked up because he has NEVER said anything like this to me before!!!).

In between this one-sided discussion, he would pause, think, and tell me that this was really hard for him because he was not used to saying things like this. Then he stopped. I asked, "That's it?" and he replied that it was. I asked if there was anything else (expecting him to ask for his privileges back), but he said that he was done. I paused a little while, and asked if he was going to ask for those things back ..... and he said that he wasn't. HOWEVER.... while I mentioned it .... :)

So, I gave him the choice - one or the other, not both. He chose the computer and said his phone could wait. Wow! No arguing, no trying to convince me otherwise. Growing up? Maturing? I think so.

I am so proud of him. Later I will post on another of his mature decisions (that have to do with his swim team and a choice he made).

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rules for the moms of Teenagers.

Mother Nature is providential. She gives us twelve years to develop a love for our children before turning them into teenagers. ~William Galvin

The frustrations of a parent - you love your kids so much, and yet they throw everything back at you at times. I know that this is what I signed up for, but it would be nice to get a "thank you" or a "please" or a "sorry" at the appropriate times! They think they know everything, including how to drive a car. In fact, they are more in control of that car than you could ever be, because they've been driving for a whole 10 months and you've only been driving for 25 years!

You're expected to make sure their clothes are clean and dinner is to their taste. Also, don't forget that even though they left their book bag in your classroom so they wouldn't have too much to carry to afterschool sports, you need to drag it (along with your bags of books and papers to grade) to the car so that homework is not forgotten. Make sure you remember to tell them that you took out the book they needed to read, before they explode at the fact that the bag was too heavy to carry and you left it behind!

Oh, and don't dare take away privileges, such as computer, playstation and phone! This is just not appropriate and will probably end up with you not being spoken to (which may be better than careless words). Don't try to tell them that their behavior was inappropriate or the words they used were disrespectful, because you may be told that this is "just the way I am and I can't change". Mmmm - really?? Let's see if not having access to technology will help you take some time to think about this statement!

Yet, after all of this, you remember the times where you laughed together at something that wasn't really that funny. You remember how you put your bags at the bottom of the stairs to pick up later, only to find out that they have carried them up for you - without you asking (and on a regular basis!). You remember the times that they come up to you and simply hug you - for no reason.

So, even though the comments and the actions hurt, the love you have for that child is too deep to deny. Just a few more years and hopefully, after all the discipline, they will rise up and call me blessed :) Because I am blessed - as a mom!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Praying for Miracles

The antidote to frustration is a calm faith, not in your own cleverness, or in hard toil, but in God's guidance.
- Norman Vincent Peale

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
- Helen Keller

Where hope grows, miracles blossom.
- Elna Rae

It's been a long journey, one where we have had challenges, and successes. Looking to the future, I am so glad that I can rely on my God for things to come. If I was not that way inclined, there would be no hope and I would be living a life of depression!

Living here in the USA has been such a blessing. My children have received a wonderful education, we have had peace of mind in everything. No, we are not flush with money, and no, we do not have everything we want, but we DO have everything we NEED! As much as we would love to have a house of our own after renting for 10 years, we have a roof over our heads that has kept our family together, safe and warm, building memories that will last for a lifetime.

When I watch the news, or check my email, I tend to worry about our future. I see how the budget is in trouble, and how jobs are being lost. I think about how I've taught in the same school for 10 years, making friends, connecting with students, and yet I may have to move in order to get a chance to apply for a green card which would mean a more permanent status. That chance gets less and less each year because of the economic situation.

However, I cannot sit and worry - it's not going to take me anywhere!
I have to go out in faith, do what needs to be done, and pray that I am always in God's will. If I can do this, then I know, no matter what, I will be in the right place. Yes, I may have to move and get out of my comfort zone - that may be a chance for growth and new discoveries about myself. Yes, I may have to leave friends that I have worked with for 10 years and whom I have become close to, but it may be time to make new ones and keep in contact with the old ones - how does that saying go? Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold." --Girl Scout song

So, whatever the future brings, if I can live with hope and faith that everything will work out in the end to my good, then I can live in peace.

Monday, July 26, 2010

New mindset

"Romans 6 - Our flesh is the instrument that Satan works through. When we say no to the flesh, we say no to the devil."
Joyce Meyer

"Battles are fought in our minds every day. When we begin to feel the battle is just too difficult and want to give up, we must choose to resist negative thoughts and be determined to rise above our problems. We must decide that we’re not going to quit. When we’re bombarded with doubts and fears, we must take a stand and say: "I’ll never give up! God’s on my side. He loves me, and He’s helping me! I’m going to make it!" - Joyce Meyer

I'm learning that it's very easy to give in to the flesh!

Easy to lose my cool when I feel like I've been affronted! Easy to keep grumbling and mumbling that I was right and that the other person was wrong. Easy to keep rolling in those feelings and keep the hard feelings just simmering - waiting to boil over.

Easy to say ok to anything that is available to be eaten. Easy to have that milkshake just because the rest of the family are having one. Easy to just buy takeout from McDonalds just because everyone else is.

I'm also learning that it's harder (and yet so rewarding in the end) to live in the Spirit.

How hard is it to let the flesh die when you need to apologize for losing your cool (even though you still think you were right!!!)? How hard is it to let the flesh die and act like you are not mad so that you don't create any tension (even though you are still simmering inside)?

How rewarding is it to say 'no' to that milkshake and the food from McDonalds, and then stand on the scale seeing it slowly start dropping?

Since I've been working on changing my way of thinking as far as food is concerned, I've found that I'm letting go of my old mindset - oh dear, I broke the diet - DONE! I am finding it easier to take control over what I am eating rather than let the food take control. What a feeling of freedom.

I know it's going to take a while to lose the weight I want, but by being in control over my thoughts about food, and ultimately being in control over what I eat, I know I can do this.

7 pounds down so far! Exciting, and more of a challenge because my final goal is to lose a total of about 30lb. I'm not setting a goal date, because I don't want to stress when I don't meet it. I just want to get there ...... slowly but surely!

" I have come to understand that every day we make decisions born out of our thoughts and these decisions give direction to our life."
Written in 2010 by Mathias A. James --- Nigeria

Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's the First Day of the Rest of your Life

This song has been sitting in my head for quite a while now, so I decided that I should do something about it! I need to get control of my life, and not have my life take control of me. The first area I need to work on is my health!

It's so easy to hear the sound of food - eat me, eat me, just a little bit, just a little bit more ..... Oh, I'll begin tomorrow; Oh gosh, I fell down today, so I guess I may as well give up ..... Sound familiar?? Well, NO MORE! For the last 2 weeks (or a little less) I've been getting myself into the mindset of changing my eating habits for the better. I cannot do diets - I fail every time. So I want to do something that is going to just be a part of my life.

Firstly, no more white starches! I LOOOOOOVE hot, fresh white bread straight out of the oven. One of my biggest downfalls. But I've discovered that wholewheat bread has a great flavor and now I will choose wholewheat over white!

Then, I'm trying to cut aspertame out of my life - I am not a soda junkie, but I do like my hot tea with milk and sugar (which I have cut down and added sweetener to). I also like a diet coke/pepsi every now and then. These have sweeteners that contain aspertame, which hasn't gotten a good review, so I'm using Stevia instead and trying to drink more water.

Salads are so boring, but by adding fruit, nuts (not too many) and some seeds, they can become pretty interesting! Add some grilled chicken and you have a healthy meal!

The most difficult part of this is not finishing something that my kids left on their plates, or to have something that they are eating (like pizza ....). However, slowly but surely, that craving is starting to disappear and I am starting to crave the pride I feel in myself when I say no.

The final part of this is adding more exercise to my diet. I am NOT a physical person but I know I need to exercise. So I am .... little at a time!

I know that this is the perfect time to start getting myself into healthy habits. I still have another 5 weeks or so of summer left before school starts, so hopefully, I will be on a roll by the time we get back.

"Battles are fought in our minds every day. When we begin to feel the battle is just too difficult and want to give up, we must choose to resist negative thoughts and be determined to rise above our problems. We must decide that we’re not going to quit. When we’re bombarded with doubts and fears, we must take a stand and say: "I’ll never give up! God’s on my side. He loves me, and He’s helping me! I’m going to make it!" JOYCE MEYER