Sunday, January 16, 2011

Praying for Miracles

The antidote to frustration is a calm faith, not in your own cleverness, or in hard toil, but in God's guidance.
- Norman Vincent Peale

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
- Helen Keller

Where hope grows, miracles blossom.
- Elna Rae

It's been a long journey, one where we have had challenges, and successes. Looking to the future, I am so glad that I can rely on my God for things to come. If I was not that way inclined, there would be no hope and I would be living a life of depression!

Living here in the USA has been such a blessing. My children have received a wonderful education, we have had peace of mind in everything. No, we are not flush with money, and no, we do not have everything we want, but we DO have everything we NEED! As much as we would love to have a house of our own after renting for 10 years, we have a roof over our heads that has kept our family together, safe and warm, building memories that will last for a lifetime.

When I watch the news, or check my email, I tend to worry about our future. I see how the budget is in trouble, and how jobs are being lost. I think about how I've taught in the same school for 10 years, making friends, connecting with students, and yet I may have to move in order to get a chance to apply for a green card which would mean a more permanent status. That chance gets less and less each year because of the economic situation.

However, I cannot sit and worry - it's not going to take me anywhere!
I have to go out in faith, do what needs to be done, and pray that I am always in God's will. If I can do this, then I know, no matter what, I will be in the right place. Yes, I may have to move and get out of my comfort zone - that may be a chance for growth and new discoveries about myself. Yes, I may have to leave friends that I have worked with for 10 years and whom I have become close to, but it may be time to make new ones and keep in contact with the old ones - how does that saying go? Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold." --Girl Scout song

So, whatever the future brings, if I can live with hope and faith that everything will work out in the end to my good, then I can live in peace.

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